Wednesday, July 31, 2013


Rihanna: What Her Newest Love Affair With Chris Brown Taught Her

Rihanna was seen heading home on July 29, after two months of touring Europe, but it’s not likely she’ll reunite with Chris Brown upon her return to the United States, a source tells exclusively. Rihanna’s over Chris’ drama and she learned a big lesson during their most recent love affair.

Rihanna and Chris Brown have given their romance multiple chances, and after many failed attempts, Rihanna’s finally learned the biggest lesson of all. In fact, because of what she’s learned, she’s not in a rush to have any man in her life.

Rihanna: Chris Brown Relationship Lessons — Without Trust, You Have Nothing

RiRi’s not a fan of Chris’ drama, a source tells exclusively. And the 25-year-old singer learned that the lack of trust in her relationship with Chris, 24, was a crippling factor in their romance:

“[Rihanna] learned that without trust, you ain’t got s***. You have to trust the guy you’re with and vice-versa. When trust is gone, everything is bad. And that’s something that’s hard as f*** to repair. It can be done, but both people have to be mature and willing to work on it. It’s not possible if only one person puts in the work. When [Rihanna] had some downtime on tour, she would read relationship books and search online about love and how to rebuild trust to make sure she wasn’t the one who was crazy. And guess what? She isn’t crazy. Rihanna did what she had to do.”

Clearly, Rihanna felt that the best solution was to break up.

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